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Downtown Casper could see a new State Office building

Bill Could Mean Construction in Casper

A bill outlining state-funded capitol construction projects was debated in the house and Casper is on the list.

Within the next 3 years, Casper could see a new building replace the one The Department of Workfoce Services uses now.

The project would be a $44-million project.

While the amendments were debated, only one out of the 8 proposed passed.

“The one amendment that passed was, we have guaranteed the funding of some projects out of some existing funds so where that guarantee was, that was a big point of discussion,” Rep. Stubson said. “But really it was picking out different projects on the list and votes about whether we continue those projects or not.”

As for the Casper projects, Stubson says this will be saving money in the long run because there will be no more lease payments.